Alan is available for Counselling sessions via phone or Messenger. Please don’t hesitate to contact him to arrange a time.

Alan has been counselling in the Waikato for over ten years and enjoys seeing people find a permanent freedom from issues that may have been plaguing them for years.

Alan has had professional counselling training over many years and connects very strongly with David Riddell’s Living Wisdom form of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) with its many unique tools, skills and insights that David Riddell has developed to enable clients to find a real and lasting freedom from their emotional pain and suffering. Alan has attended numbers of Living Wisdom two week schools and is endorsed by David Riddell as a Living Wisdom Counselor.

Alan’s counselling skills covers a wide and varied range of topics such as;

  • Relationship issues
  • Couples counselling
  • Pre-Marriage counselling
  • Depression
  • Spiritual issues
  • Grief
  • Phobia’s
  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Rejection
  • Alan also enjoys being a Life Coach/Mentor for those looking to grow beyond their current situation.

Alan has a relaxed and engaging counselling style and enjoys working with a wide variety of people and is well received by both the younger generation and those that have a few more year under their belt.

“My goal is to support you to find the insights needed to enable you to overcome whatever’s  restricted you from living well”.   Alan

Counselling Fee:  Alan charges $110 per session (usually between an hour and an hour and a half) but willing to negotiate with those in financial hardship